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Synod for youth: Card. Baldisseri, “discernment, vocation and mentoring” are the three “hinges” of the preparatory Document

They are the three “hinges” of the preparatory Document of the Synod of bishops on youth, in 2018. Yesterday, they were presented in Catanzaro by Card. Lorenzo Baldisseri, during the international Meeting of the Apostolic Movement. “The first one is request for discernment”, said the Cardinal. “First of all, discernment means being together and listening, appraising everything taking place in the life of the world or of the Church, taking a break in the flow of history with evangelic vigilance and prophetic attention”. For this reason, says Baldisseri, “the pastoral is not a simple ‘application’ of rules or bureaucratic and cold practices to the reality of the people, but it is the outcome of continuous discernment, made up of listening, dialogue, debate, project, appraisal, and relaunch”. “The Church has to question its pastoral actions with youth, checking what is going wrong and what is going well, and looking for new paths”. The second one is “vocation”, above all, the vocation “shared by all men: vocation to life and love”. For this reason, Baldisseri asks youth “to be brave enough as to try out new paths, releasing their creativity with courage, acquiring the principle of service to greater and greater extent”; in short: “take the lead on their lives; life is no longer a simple gift, but above all, it is a task to be performed. The Holy Father encourages us to dream”. The third one for the Synod, according to Card. Baldisseri, is “mentoring”, for which the Cardinal pointed out a few “typical traits”: “Lovely look, authoritative word, the skill to ‘become neighbour’, the choice of ‘walking beside’, and bearing witness of authenticity”.

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