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+++Syria: US raid. Mgr. Jeanbart (Aleppo), “a strategic mistake. Working for peace through dialogue, not bombs”+++

The episode of the “extremely serious chemical attack in Idlib must be further investigated to find out who is to blame for it”, and the subsequent bombing that US President Trump wanted to launch “I think was a strategic mistake”. This was said to SIR by monsignor Jean-Clement Jeanbart, Melkite Greek archbishop of Aleppo. “I don’t think – he says over the phone from Syria’s martyred city – that President Assad needed to launch a chemical attack, since he is in a winning position on the battlefield. Anyway, serious investigations will have to be carried out to find out who is to blame for it. Those who are to blame will have to take responsibility”. Trump’s decision to bomb some Syrian air force bases, he adds, “I don’t understand it, and I think it is a strategic mistake. Why did he have to act so quickly? Without consulting anyone? Maybe he did not want Russia to veto his measures? By doing so, he added more victims to the existing victims, six Syrian soldiers and nine civilians from the village near the military base bombed by the USA have lost their lives”. “If it was dark before, now the future is even worse. We don’t know what else might happen. What other reactions we will have to endure – he says –. Things seemed to be going slightly better, and a few glimpses of dialogue to find a political solution seemed to be opening. But, what will happen now? We hope this mistake can lead all fighting parties to reconsider their positions. That they may seriously decide to work for peace through political solutions, not bombs”. This opinion is shared by monsignor Georges Abou Khazen, Latin vicar of Aleppo, who thinks “Trump’s decision opens up upsetting scenarios. An independent investigation should have been carried out first, but there are people who benefit from the continuation of this war”.

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