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Pope Francis: audience, appeal for “dramatic event” in St. Petersburg and “unacceptable massacre” in Syria

A twofold appeal: for the “dramatic event” in St. Petersburg and the “unacceptable massacre” in Syria was made by Pope Francis at the end of his audience, before greeting the faithful in Italian. “My thoughts turn in this moment to the grave attack in recent days on the metro network of St. Petersburg, which claimed victims and caused disquiet in the population”, Pope Francis said. “While I entrust to the mercy of God those who tragically died, I express my spiritual closeness to their relatives and to all those who suffer as a result of this dramatic event”. “We have witnessed in horror the most recent events in Syria”, the Pope continued, expressing his “strong condemnation of the unacceptable massacre that took place in the province of Idlib, where dozens of civilians were killed, including many children”. “I pray for the victims and their families, and I appeal to the conscience of those with political responsibility, at local and international level – the appeal by Pope Francis -, to put an end to this tragedy and to bring relief to that dear population, for too long afflicted by war. Likewise I encourage the efforts of those who, in conditions of insecurity and discomfort, seek to convey aid to the inhabitants of the region”.

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