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Development: mgr. Tomasi (Holy See), “it cannot be merely economic”

“Development cannot be reduced to economic growth: it must promote the development of all men together”. This was reiterated by monsignor Silvano Tomasi, deputy secretary of the Ministry for Integral Human Development, as he opened the international conference about “Prospects for the service of integral human development 50 years after the Populorum progressio”, promoted by the Vatican Ministry concerned, in the New Synod Hall, in Vatican, today. “Working for the Kingdom – Tomasi began – means being in touch with the poor and the oppressed to reach peace, justice and environmental protection”. “Pope Francis – the Vatican leader pointed out – often mentions poverty, exclusion, he has opened poor people’s homes in the Vatican, he visits prisons”. Hence the need, in the light of the Populorum progressio, of a “process” that, in the name of integral human development, “helps us respond to the new situations that our world challenges us with”.

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