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Collection for the Holy Land: Card. Sandri’s call, “changing a life of war and division”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“I call on our common humanity, on the Christian faith that we share in Christ, that you may be really generous and contribute to peace in Jesus’s region, in the Holy Land, by becoming the main player and the builder of this world”. This is the call made by cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, to the devotees in the run-up to the forthcoming Collection for the Holy Land that has always been held on Good Friday. In an interview with SIR, to be published soon, the cardinal mentions the importance of keeping and maintaining the Holy Places that “are the approach, for us who believe without having seen, to be physically close to the Saviour, the Son of God”. Faced with the facts that take place in this troubled region of the world, the prefect adds, we might “end up seeing them as if they were not ours, as if we had no responsibility. By taking part in this Collection for the Holy Land, you are personally helping change this life of war, poverty, terrorism, violence, division. It is not others who are doing that, you are doing it yourself”. Hence the call for the Collection, to “contribute to peace in Jesus’s region”. As everyone knows, the “Collection for the Holy Land” was launched by the Popes to “keep a strong bond between all Christians across the world and the Holy Places. The Collection, that has always been held on Good Friday, is the main source for the subsistence of the life that takes place around the Holy Places; it is also a tool that the Church has equipped itself with to support the ecclesial communities of the Middle East. In more recent times, Pope Paul VI, through the Apostolic Exhortation ‘Nobis in Animo’ (25 March 1974), gave a great boost in support of the Holy Land”.

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