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Germany: Pro-Life Week, info points for childless couples. A partnership between Caritas, Skf and Diakonie

A Pro-Week Life will be celebrated from April 29th to May 6th. The German Catholic and Evangelical Churches have arranged a number of joint events. Challenged by the problem of many couples being unable to have children, the organisations managed by Caritas, Diakonie and the Catholic Women’s Social Service (Skf) will be running many info points all over the country to provide information about the new medical options available to sterile or infertile couples. In a joint release, Caritas and Skf say that in these centres couples will be seen by volunteer doctors and social-pedagogic workers to find out how to avoid the pain that comes from the failure of a fertility treatment or the pressure that builds up when one tends to be wanting to try every possible solution. All this, without disrespecting the human needs that such couples show, not least because, “as this is an awkward matter, it is hardly ever publicly talked about”, the release says: “many couples often go through a long, exhausting search to understand the reasons they cannot have children before they go to pregnancy consultation”. The info points will address personal, ethical and financial matters, as to which couples very often feel left alone, as well as problems about prenatal diagnosis and mother and child health. Caritas and Skf are very keen on pointing out that “such consultation has no prejudices based on nationality or religion, it is free, and the couples’details will not be disclosed”.

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