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Church in Europe: Gniezno, from the primates of Poland, France, Spain and Bohemia’s churches, an appeal for a supportive Europe

“Europe needs consensus based on Christian and human values, grown in the spirit of solidarity and subsidiarity, free of populism and selfishness”: this has been written by the primates of Poland, France, Spain and Bohemia’s churches, when, on Sunday 23rd April, they made an appeal to the European nations and leaders. To coincide with the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish primate’s office, the leaders of many European Bishops Conferences gathered in Gniezno, the first capital of Christian Poland, emphasise the relevance of the words that Pope Francis recently said to the heads of state and government that he received on the anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The prelates insist on the “unity of the Church in Europe” as well as on “care for the present and future of the continent”. In addition, the prelates recall the warning that John Paul II made precisely in Gniezno in 1997, that “there will be no unity of Europe until it becomes a community of spirit”. Finally, the bishops point out that, despite the history of the continent being “full of deadlocks, inhuman ideologies, exhausting conflicts and wars”, Europe “has always managed to humbly go back to its roots and, inspired by the Gospel, to built a civilisation made to measure for humans”. “We will not overcome the multiple forms of the current crisis unless we bow down and draw from the sources, without which the European values – freedom, justice, human dignity and respect of the common good – are hardly understandable”, the prelates warn.

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