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United Kingdom: letter from 24 faith leaders. Terrorism and violence “barbaric acts” and “affront to faith”

“Recent attacks, such as those in Westminster, St Petersburg, Stockholm and Egypt, are an affront to faith and each one of us condemns them in the strongest possible terms – as barbaric acts of senseless violence”. This is what 24 religious leaders in the UK wrote in a letter stating that “now more than ever, faith groups are uniting in the face of those who would wish to sow fear and spread mistrust between the people of this country”. In the letter published in the Sunday Post, Christians of all denominations, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and Zoroastrians reiterate their commitment “to work together against the discord, mistrust and fear that terrorists seek to create”. “These attacks seek to divide us”, and we must show “that they will never succeed”. Instead of “voices being raised in anger”, we must “continue to be calm and resolute”, and to “show respect for others and love”. “The British people are defined by the tolerance and respect that we have seen in abundance over the last few weeks, and that symbolises this country at its best”. At the end of the letter, religious leaders, also in the wake of yesterday’s attack in Paris, state that they “will continue to echo the positive voices of people and communities” across Britain “with harmony, peace and unity”. Among the signatories to the letter is Mgr. John Wilson, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.

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