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+++ Pope in Egypt: mgr. Bishay (Luxor), tribute of Christian church leaders to the Orthodox Coptic martyrs in St Peter’s church +++

(From SIR’s correspondents in Cairo) – With Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of the Orthodox Coptic Church, and the Christian church leaders, Pope Francis will pay tribute to the martyrs of the Orthodox Coptic Church killed in the terrible terrorist attacks that have followed each other in Egypt in very recent times and have been targeted to the Christian community. He will do it with the Christian church leaders with a silent, off the cuff prayer, first inside, then in front of the wall of St Peter’s Church, the building next to the Coptic cathedral of St Mark in the al-Abassiya district, where on December 11th 2016 a terrorist attack killed dozens of people. It has been told to SIR by mgr. Emmanuel Bishay, bishop of Luxor and president of the organising committee of Francis’s visit in Egypt, who adds: “On that day, the bodies of the injured and dead people were carried into the Church, against a wall outside the church. That wall has been soaked with their blood. Now, a safety glass has been put in front of that wall, and that place has become a destination for pilgrimages and prayers. Precisely before that wall, on Friday April 28th, after the meeting with Pope Tawadros and along with all Christian leaders, Pope Francis will lay a bunch of flowers and will light some candles as a tribute to the victims. With this gesture, all of Egypt’s victims will be commemorated. In front of this glass, many people leave prayers and intentions. It has become the wall of martyrs”.

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