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+++ Pope in Egypt: mgr. Bishay (Luxor), change of plan. On Saturday 29th April, Mass will be officiated in the air force stadium +++

(from SIR’s correspondents in Cairo) – A logistic change for the Mass that Pope Francis will be officiating for the Catholic community of all Egypt on Saturday 29th April, the last day of his apostolic journey in Cairo. “From an indoor room adjoining the Cairo stadium, the venue has been moved to the Military Air Force stadium”. It has been announced to SIR by mgr. Emmanuel Bishay, bishop of Luxor and president of the organising committee of Francis’s visit in Egypt. In an interview with SIR at al-Maadi seminary, where the Pope will be meeting 1,500 seminarians, priests and religious people of all over Egypt, bishop Emmanuel explains: “This choice has advantages. Firstly, there are more seats for the devotees, from 18 thousand seats to 25 thousand. In this way we will be able to meet the needs of the many devotees who asked to attend Mass. As it is a military venue, it also provides greater security. And then, as it is in the suburbs, it is better in terms of traffic and parking areas. We actually expect a lot of coaches will be coming from all over Egypt”.

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