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+++ Pope Francis: to Tawadros II, “Christians are called to proclaim the Risen One together” +++

Il nunzio in Egitto, mons. Musarò, consegna a Tawadros II, la lettera con auguri di Pasqua di Papa Francesco

(from our correspondents in Cairo) “As servants of hope, Christians are called to proclaim the Risen One together through the joyful witness of their lives and their generous love for their neighbour. We know that the world today urgently needs the proclamation of this hope, the only one that does not disappoint”. Pope Francis wrote this in a letter addressed to the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Tawadros II in which he conveyed his best wishes for Easter. “Christ’s victory over sin and death – reads the letter hand-delivered by the Apostolic Nuncio to Egypt, Mgr. Bruno Musarò – enables every man and every woman to look at their lives with new eyes and a new heart, even in circumstances marked by sadness and difficulties. Darkness, failure, sin – the Pope wrote – can be overcome and become the starting point of a new journey. May Easter, that we Christians celebrate the same day this year, instil into our Churches a growing desire for an ever greater solidarity in proclaiming the Gospel and serving those who are in need”.



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