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Germany: German Church confirms concrete efforts for Nigeria. Mgr. Schick visiting the country

The president of the Commission for International Church of the German Bishops Conference (Dbk), Ludwig Schick, archbishop of Bamberg, has been visiting Nigeria on a solidarity trip, since Easter Monday until 23rd April. The Western African country is the region that has been chosen this year for the DBK initiative, “Solidarity with persecuted and oppressed Christians of our time”. Especially in Central Nigeria and in the North East of the country, the populations endure conflict between Muslims and Christians, marked by Boko Haram Islamic fundamentalist-inspired terror. Archbishop Schick will be mainly visiting the archdiocese of Jos, in the Middle Belt region, that has been consistently hit by terrorist attacks in the last few years. The archbishop of Jos, mgr. Ignatius Kaigama, is consistently promoting Christian-Islamic dialogue. His friendship with the region’s Islamic dignitaries has often helped defuse conflict between Christians and Muslims. In 2015, Kaigama and Muslim emir Kanam were invited by the German bishops to look at the progress made in Christian-Islamic dialogue. In his trip, Schick will have a number of meetings with the faithful in the parishes hit by terrorist attacks, which have had a lot of martyrs and are trying to free the many Christians who have been abducted and enslaved.


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