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+++ Libya migrant shipwreck: Mgr. Perego (Migrantes), “a wall of death is rising in the Mediterranean” +++


“Good Friday” this year is marked by “a new shipwreck in Libyan territorial waters. A thousand new crosses, mainly of women and children, that may indicate a slowdown in the EU’s rescue operations at sea and, at the same time, a failure to reach an agreement between Italy and Libya”. Mgr. Gian Carlo Perego, Director General of the “Migrantes” Foundation and Archbishop-Elect of Ferrara-Comacchio, made these remarks following the shipwreck of a migrant boat off the coast of Libya, a few miles from Tripoli. Initial reports indicate that 97 people are still missing and 23 have been brought to safety. “While there is much talk in Italy and Europe about safety – Mgr. Perego remarked -, women and children on the move are left to fend for themselves in conditions of total insecurity and the growing plight of African countries is ignored. A wall of death is rising in the Mediterranean since there is no will to share new resources for a development programme and reconsider the introduction of legal entry channels that would prevent hundreds of deaths”, Mgr. Perego concluded.

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