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Pope Francis: audience, “hope overcomes everything” for “it is born of the Cross”. Jesus has transformed “our fear into trust” at Easter

“Some may ask, where does hope come from: from the Cross”. Pope Francis made these unprepared remarks during his catechesis today, adding off the cuff: “Look to the cross, to the crucified Christ, it is from there that we will receive hope, everlasting hope, eternal hope”. “That hope which was born of the power of love”, Pope Francis explained: “Indeed, that love which hopes all things, endures all things, that love which is the very life of God, has renewed everything it has reached”. “At Easter, Jesus has transformed the sin He took upon Himself into forgiveness, our death into resurrection, our fear into trust”, the Pope explained. “This is why it is there, on the Cross, that our hope is always born and reborn; indeed, Jesus can transform our darkness into light, every defeat into victory, every disappointment into hope”. “Hope overcomes everything, because it is born of the love of Jesus Who, like a seed of wheat, has died to give us life, and our hope comes from that life full of love”, Pope Francis said off the cuff.




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