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Comece: on Europeinfos, 60th anniversary of EU Treaty, defence and NATO, refugees’ homing and situation

(Brussels) “We will soon celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, and the current EU leaders will praise the men who made it possible. Under the pressure of increasing euro-scepticism, one might be tempted to idealise the clear, accurate political vision that led Europe to a lasting peace, through the Economic Community and Euratom. In fact, such Treaty was not the start of a project but just an attempt at giving some relief to an agonising community. The Treaty is the result of flexibility, perseverance and a friendship that grew in the pursuit of a common good”. This was written by Victoria Martín de la Torre about the anniversary that will be celebrated in a few days in an article published on the March issue of Europeinfos, the monthly magazine of the Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences (Comece), now online ( This assumption has been prompted by the historical research that the author published in the book “Europe, a leap in the unknown” (Peter Long, 2016). Also on Europeinfos, an extensive article by NATO Executive Stephen Miller tells about the many “instabilities” that go on in the area that the transatlantic organisation is responsible for, and the challenges that they pose, one by one. Then, the monthly goes back to some recent positions and initiatives taken above all on the refugees’ condition and the Maltese presidency of the EU.

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