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Poland: Warsaw archbishop’s Lenten letter. “A home for Syrian refugees”

The archbishop of Warsaw, cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, hopes that through the humanitarian corridors a few hundreds of Syrian refugees who need urgent medical care may find a home in Poland. His Lenten letter that was read yesterday on Sunday March 5th in all the churches of the Polish capital also supports the goodness of the “A family for a family” initiative promoted by Caritas for the victims of the Syrian war. So far, the project started last October on the website has enabled 1,700 Syrian families to receive aids for six months from Polish volunteers’ families. “I encourage everyone, priests, parishes, Catholic families and all the people of good will, to join that concrete, discreetly-promoted and effective initiative”, wrote the cardinal, who added that “this is about showing the sensitivity of mercy”. In addition, the prelate mentioned the many economic refugees from Ukraine who work in Poland now, pointing out how “our sensitivity and rectitude towards exiles are the standard of our humanity and our Christianity”. Recent surveys show that, lacking Polish labour, 39% of businessmen are planning to employ Ukrainian labour to fulfil their orders.




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