Netherlands: euthanasia, debate rekindled. Knmg (doctors’ association), “no to extending the law”. Christian parties are against too

The Royal Dutch Medical Association (Knmg) expressed its “concerns and questions” about the plan to extend euthanasia to old people who think they have a “full life”, an issue that the D66 Party has at heart and could therefore be included in the next government’s agenda. According to the Dutch association, the idea “to let ‘healthy’ old people get assisted suicide when they have a real, deliberate wish to die” is “undesirable, in terms of objections in principle and practices”. The lawmakers would equate “age-related vulnerability, which people may feel for medical and non-medical reasons”, to the unbearable, irreversible pain that the current euthanasia legislation applies to, and this could undermine its clarity and effectiveness. This could also have “unwanted social effects, creating feelings of insecurity among old people and stigmatising old age”. The phrase “full life”, which has in itself a positive meaning, would be associated with lone, vulnerable people, people who have lost a sense of purpose. So, the association asks to “invest in solutions that deal with these tragic, complex problems for which there are no easy solutions”. Yesterday, the Christian Democrats and the Reformed Party submitted to the MPs a “letter of commitment”: the ten points listed therein included objection to the end-of-life laws and the defence of work-free Sundays.

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