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Development: card. Turkson (Holy See), “immigration is like water out of a tap: you don’t only have to dry it up, you also have to close the tap”

“Immigration is like water out of a tap: you don’t only have to dry it up, you also have to close the tap”. It was said by cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, president of the Ministry for the Integral Human Development Service as he presented to the press the Conference organised by his Ministry on 3rd and 4th April, called: “Perspectives of the Integral Human Development Service 50 years after the Populorum progressio”. Immigration, the cardinal explained, is a long-term phenomenon: that’s why “we must more plan more systematically and close the tap” by promoting projects in the migrants’ own countries “to prevent people’s need to emigrate”. Another priority, according to Turkson, is “to give the developing countries access to markets”. In addition, the cardinal placed emphasis on the “concern that the arrival of so many populations can arouse in countries where the population is decreasing: when hosts outnumber children, there’s always some tension. Giving asylum is feasible when there’s confidence in the local birth rate, but, when the birth rate is decreasing, the arrival of these people worries the local populations. The birth of nationalisms actually comes from there, from a country’s worry to be swallowed up by the arrival of masses of new populations”.

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