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Brexit: Zartaloudis (Birmingham Univ.), “between the UK and the EU, either a complete split or the British might take a step back”

“I do not think Great Britain will be able to leave the European Union while finding a new agreement that gives it access to the free market. A total split is much more likely or maybe the United Kingdom will take a U-turn, and Brexit will be stopped”. Commenting for SIR on the start of the Brexit procedure, Sotirios Zartaloudis, professor of politics at Birmingham University, explains that “those populists who fought for Brexit promised there would be a new agreement soon between the United Kingdom and the EU, but that is a lie, because, in the next two years, they will discuss the money that the British owe to Europe and the status of European citizens in Great Britain and that of the British citizens in the other twenty-seven countries will be discussed, but not a new Anglo-European agreement, to obtain which the United Kingdom should first be completely separated from Europe”. “The process will be long and complicated. It took seven years to find an agreement with Canada and twenty years to find one with the Eastern European countries”, professor Zartaloudis adds. “I see a crisis with Scotland and Northern Ireland, and the most pro-European conservatives could stop Theresa May, a new Brexit referendum could be held, and voters could vote to go back to the EU. Or the Labour party could find a new leader who asks for a general election. In other words, anything is possible”.

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