Luxemburg: good result for the “Lend a Hand” plan for welcoming refugees

Positive result of the first year of the “Lend a Hand” plan for welcoming refugees in Luxemburg, launched by Archbishop Jean Claude Hollerich at the end of 2015: the plan is made up of different aspects (awareness, training, support and integration activities, work accommodation, gathering of funds), and is carried out by “local groups situated in a large area, setting up activities with refugees”, says the activities report presented in these days. The 37 local groups are coordinated by a team relying on support by a group of experts, and collaborating with other associations and institutions for refugees. “Lend a Hand”, in its first year, provided a website for anyone working for the Plan; nine newsletters; 200 people following training courses for helping refugees; and a long series of initiatives anywhere in the area: language courses; administrative and material aid; cultural and sports activities; support for getting a job; drawing up of a multilingual guide for refugees about society; culture and habits in Luxemburg. “The Plan could not exist without the exemplary commitment of lots of volunteers in parishes, associations, religious communities”, it is said in the report. “Several groups and different persons developed links, with really positive consequences for the ecclesial lives of the several communities involved”


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