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Pope Francis to EU leaders: Mr Tajani, “Christianity can still contribute much to Europe”

Vaticano, 24 marzo 2017: Papa Francesco incontra i leader Ue, in occasione del 60° anniversario della firma dei Trattati di Roma

Pope Francis’ address to the leaders of the European Union “disappointed all those who were expecting (or hoping for) a political reprimand”, because “Francis did a lot more. He preferred speaking out and stressing the importance of the European identity: we are not, cannot be, and do not want to be only ‘a set of rules to be observed, a manual of protocols and procedures to be followed’”. The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, wrote this in a note to SIR news agency following the meeting that took place at the Vatican to mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. “As he was speaking, the great achievements of our civilization and the values on which it is based came to my mind in rapid succession”, Mr Tajani continued: “Freedom and the centrality of the human person are all achievements that Christianity has helped to shape, defend and pass on throughout the centuries. For the ancient Greeks, freedom was only that which protected from invasions the independence of the territory where they lived. Rome, but especially Christianity, has transformed that model of freedom into freedom of the person. Hence the central place of the person in society, which means in political terms: always putting citizens at the centre”. Also, reflecting on the Pope’s visit to Milan, Mr Tajani concluded: “It is not just a matter of faith; Francis’ constructive message also reaches those from different religions, as the meeting with the Muslim family shows. It is with dialogue that we defeat intolerance and fight fundamentalisms. In short, the days of Friday and Saturday show us that Christianity can still contribute much to Europe. It is not just a matter of roots; it is something that permeates our present and will contribute to building our future”.

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