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Poland: bishops’ call for life and public rallies against abortion

To coincide with the Day for the Sanctity of Life which is celebrated by the Polish Church on March 25th, the bishops “in keeping with Pope Francis’s will as he expressed in his exhortation “Amoris Laetizia” encourage “all families to joyfully welcome the gift of life”. The appeal to “preserve the exceptional value of any human life from conception to natural death” is also made by the bishops to the lawmakers and “to all the men of good will”, who are called to “spread the value of life and create the civilisation of life”. The Day for the Sanctity of Life was established by the bishops in 1998, in response to John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae. In 2004, the Polish Parliament launched instead March 24th as the National Day for Life, in support of families and above all large ones. The defence of life is an issue that Polish society has very much at heart. Actually, tomorrow, in front of the Health Ministry in Warsaw and of many hospitals all over the country, people will hold rallies against the current law that accepts abortion if the result of rape, if the mother’s life is in danger or if the foetus has serious abnormalities. The organisers of the rally denounce “the massacre of the innocents” that takes places in public hospitals “at the rate of three abortions a day”.

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