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Rome Treaties: Card. Marx (Comece), “helping the weakest should always be our priority”

“Of course, we know that we have limited resources. But helping the weakest should always be our priority. And the Church will always be called to contribute to this”. This is how Card. Reinhard Marx, president of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), answered a question about the challenge posed by migration flows to Europe, mainly from Africa. In an exclusive interview with SIR news agency, the Cardinal noted: “The disagreement between EU member states on how to manage the refugees who have come to Europe has exposed deep divisions on the Continent. This does not only refer to the political realm, but also to the societies of the different states. Even the Church experienced that there are different views in different member states about the reception of migrants. This is all the more regrettable as Pope Francis has shown a clear attitude. The decrease in the number of refugees in the wake of the various political steps taken has somehow appeased the debate. But the deep disagreement is still a cause for irritation. Last but not least, this period of relative calm should not make us lose sight of the fact that we are still faced with large migration flows, which demand long-term political solutions as we move forward with European integration”.

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