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Publishing: Catholicism analysed in the latest interdisciplinary research by Durand and Prudhomme – 127 collaborators

“Le Monde du Catholicisme” is the title of the latest volume by Jean-Dominique Durand and Claude Prudhomme. The two historians (well-known in Europe), professors emeritus from the University of Lyon, and former Presidents of the French Association of Contemporary Religious History coordinated the work of 127 collaborators, experts in several disciplines, from history to theology, including exegesis, liturgy and philosophy. “This work is original – says publisher Laffont – because the reader is offered a global approach to Catholicism, from its oldest origins to its current importance in all Continents”. In their work, Durand (columnist of SIR, too) and Prudhomme say: “Today, the situation of Catholicism is a paradox. On one hand, it is losing ground in countries with Christian traditions, to such an extent that now many people are no longer familiar with its vocabulary, but on the other hand media are constantly focussing on it, arousing opposite reactions by the public opinion”. The volume deals with all Continents and several fields of knowledge, with over two thousand words. Moreover, the research ranges from ancient times to Pope Bergoglio, focussing on contemporary times, and in particular, on the period after the Council.

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