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Lutherans: European tour of the blue truck telling and taking the stories of 500 years of Reformation. A continental tour from Geneva to Wittemberg

Over these days, the long blue truck that left Geneva on November 3rd to stop in 67 places of 19 European countries that are the most relevant to the history of the Lutheran Reformation, is travelling in the Nordic countries. The truck is taking around a travelling exhibition about the Reformation, and, in this multi-stage tour, it is in charge of taking “travel stories”: every time it stops, for 36 hours, the local people and communities and called to tell what their faith and their belonging to a Protestant Church means to them. The truck has already stopped in Switzerland, Germany, as well as in Venice and Rome, in the Slovenian Ljubljana, and went as far as Sibiu in Romania, then it drove back to Dublin, Liverpool, London. In early March, it reached Denmark, moved to Sweden; this week, it stopped in the cathedral square of Turku, Finland, and now it is heading for Riga, which it will reach tomorrow, Saturday 18th March. There are still 23 stops to go before it reaches Wittemberg on May 20th for the opening of the “International Exhibition on the Reformation”, a great collective, multimedia chronicle of the last 500 years, which will also include stories collected around Europe. Four teams of young volunteers are taking turns at the truck, with a blog telling about all their movements.


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