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CEI: €1 million from “8x1000” fund to displaced and conflict victims in South Sudan

The Presidency of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) has allocated €1 million from the “8x1000” fund to assist the displaced and the victims of the conflict that has been raging in South Sudan for years. The news was announced today by the CEI National Office for Social Communications, which informed that “the sum will be distributed through Caritas Italy to support health and food programmes run by Doctors with Africa CUAMM, the Comboni Hospital in Wau, and socio-economic rehabilitation projects run by the local Caritas”. As the CEI pointed out, the Republic of South Sudan, which gained independence in 2011, “is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crises on the African continent due to the conflict which began in 2013 and the violence perpetrated against civilians by militia groups. According to the United Nations, at least 100,000 people are on the brink of starvation, a figure that is expected to rise to 5.5 million by the end of this year. Furthermore, almost 2 million people were forced to flee war and are now in need of humanitarian assistance”. The CEI also informed that Caritas Italy would report to the head of the Service for Charitable Interventions in the Third World on the management of the funds allocated by the Presidency.





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