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United Kingdom: two documents of the Church of England on abuse and violence

The churches are the safest places where victims of domestic violence are taken seriously, believed and respected, and where those who commit either alleged or certain abuses are confronted with their actions. That is the goal of a new document of the “Church of England”, reviewing and updating previous guidelines on the same topic, published in 2006. Through the new document, the chamber of Anglican bishops, one of the three assemblies making up the general Synod ruling this church asks for employees and volunteers working with children, youth and vulnerable adults to follow special preparation courses for facing cases of domestic violence, identifying criminals and helping victims. Attacks and abuses at home will also be the subject of seminars and debates, marriage preparation courses, and youth groups. Those who take care of domestic violence within the church will also have to collaborate with representatives of the State following this sector, and associations involved in the same problem. A second document by bishops, “Promoting a safer church”, commits priests, bishops, archdeacons, readers, laymen, and other people working in the Church to respecting the guidelines of domestic violence.

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