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Austria: Catholic Laity criticises federal government for tax policy and education

Today, the Katholische Laienrat Österreichs – Austrian Catholic Laity (KLRÖ) – criticised the Austrian government for two proposals regarding tax policy and education. In a press release, KLRÖ asked the government to think over decreasing funds available for the Compensation Fund (FLAF) family policy, granting money to children and aid to people with low income. For the KLRÖ, any reduction “should not be done to the detriment of families”, above all, with respect to the supposed halving of funds; such cut would be a “socially blind and politically unacceptable choice”. Catholic laity is much concerned about “families of immigrants”, above all, at a time when “society support is necessary more than ever”. Moreover, in the press release, the plan of the Ministry of Education Sonja Hammerschmid is strongly criticised; that plan actually includes constant decrease in special schools for compulsory education (Sonderschule), until their closure in 2020. In Austria, the “special education schools” are one of the branches of compulsory education, for ill-suited minors, with physical or psychological deficiency; their strongpoint is a customised education plan, meant for work and cultural training. For the Austrian Catholic Laity, “both special needs of children and freedom of choice for parents cannot be ignored”.

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