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EU: White Paper on the future of Europe. Juncker, “tomorrow is in our hands”. Ideas and timeline

(Brussels) The White Paper of the EU Commission, presented by president Juncker from the floor of the European Parliament, contains a number of different ways that the EU-27 could choose to go for. It is the start of a process, as explained by Juncker, “not the end, and now I hope an honest and far-ranging debate may begin. We have the future of Europe in our own hands”. The White Paper describes five scenarios, each one offering a view of the shape Europe could take from now to 2025, depending on the choices the EU will make. Such scenarios cover a range of options, “which are not exclusive or exhaustive”. The first scenario is about going on with the reforms, partly in the light of the Bratislava Declaration of September 2016. The second scenario sees the EU as a mere single market (an option that Juncker obviously rejects). The third scenario has a striking name: “Let those who want more do more”: basically, the EU Commission says it wants to strengthen some specific areas, such as defence, domestic security and welfare policies. The fourth scenario is about “doing less but more effectively”. Scenario 5: “doing more together”. “The member states decide – it reads – to share more power, assets and decision-making abilities beyond their borders. Decisions will be more quickly taken within Europe and quickly acted upon”. The White Paper also contains a timeline of the engagements, from now to the election of the European Parliament in 2019.

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