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Pope Francis: to “Catholic Civilisation” community: no to “culture of shipwreck” and “culture of disposal”. Migration “real global political issue”

“To be writers and journalists of incomplete thoughts, that is, open rather than closed and rigid”, “in a complex world fraught with challenges and dominated by the ‘culture of shipwreck’ – nourished by profane messianism, relative mediocrity, suspicion and rigidity -, and by the ‘culture of disposal’, in which things that do not work as we would expect or are considered useless are thrown away”. Pope Francis entrusted this task to the “Catholic Civilisation” community, explaining the second keyword of their mission “incompleteness”. “Since the crisis is global, we need to look at the dominant cultural beliefs and criteria on the basis of which people think that something is good or evil, desirable or undesirable”, Pope Francis explained. “Only a truly open thinking can tackle the crisis and understand where the world is going, how to address the most urgent and complex crises, geopolitics, the economic challenges, and the severe humanitarian crisis linked to the tragedy of migration, which is a real global political issue today”. The role model cited by Pope Francis is the Servant of God Fr. Matteo Ricci and his world map that “served to better introduce the Chinese people to other civilisations”. “With your articles, you too are called to create a world map”, was Pope Francis’ invitation. “Do show the recent discoveries, name places, make people understand the meaning of Catholic ‘civilisation’, and make Catholics realise that God is at work even outside the boundaries of the Church, in every true ‘civilisation’, through the breath of His Spirit”.

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