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Pope Francis: appeal to “spare no effort to eradicate crime” of human trafficking. “Pray for all migrants” and for Rohingyas

“We should spare no effort to eradicate this shameful and unacceptable crime”. This is Pope Francis’ appeal against human trafficking, on the Day of Prayer and Reflection that is celebrated today, especially dedicated to children and adolescents this year. “I encourage all those who, in various ways, help exploited and abused children to set themselves free from this oppression”, Pope Francis said after his greetings in various languages. “I urge those in government positions to combat this scourge with determination, giving voice to our littlest brothers and sisters who are humiliated in their dignity”. The Pope’s appeal prompted a huge round of applause from the crowd gathered in the Paul VI Hall. Before greeting the faithful in Italian, the Pope returned to the subject of human trafficking, saying off the cuff: “I go back to the Day of Prayer and Reflection that we celebrate today because today is the feast day of Saint Josephine Bakhita”, he said, showing the faithful a picture of the saint. “This girl – he continued – was enslaved, exploited and humiliated in Africa, but she never lost hope. She persevered in her faith and ended up as a migrant in Europe, where she responded to the Lord’s call and became a nun”. “Let us pray for all migrants, refugees, and exploited persons”, the Pope invited the faithful. “Today, I would like you to join me in prayer especially for our Rohingya brothers and sisters – Pope Francis said – who were forced to leave Myanmar and are roaming from one place to another because no one wants them. They are good people, peaceful people: they are good, they are our brothers and sisters! They have been suffering for years: they were tortured and killed, simply because they wanted to uphold their traditions, their Muslim faith”. Then he exhorted the faithful to pray the Our Father “for them, for our Rohingya brothers and sisters”, an invitation which was received by a round of applause. And finally, a prayer for Saint Josephine Bakhita, for whom the Pope requested “an applause”, which was immediately granted by the faithful.

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