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Portugal: Algarve, Day of Disability Pastoral Ministry. “With Mary, we bear witness to love and joy”

On 12 February, the Church of São José das Ferreiras in the town of Albufeira will host the “Day of Disability Pastoral Ministry” on the theme “With Mary, we bear witness to love and joy”. The fourth edition of the event, promoted by the Diocesan Service for the Pastoral Care of Persons with Disabilities of the Algarve region, will begin at 10.15am with a public meeting dedicated to “how to transmit love and joy in diversity” with the participation of Father Joaquim Nunes and local institutions. In presenting the initiative, the diocesan newspaper “Folha do Domingo” informs that there will be a “Feast of Joy” at 2pm which will end with a Eucharistic celebration at 4pm. The event hosted by the Diocese of Algarve will closely follow the 25th “World Day of the Sick”, which will be celebrated on 11 February by the whole Church, particularly in Lourdes, with the Gospel sentence: “The Almighty has done great things for me”. The Diocesan Service also announced its participation in the general “Pilgrimage for People with Disabilities and their Families” to the Shrine of Fatima on 17 and 18 June 2017.



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