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Pope Francis: to German Lutherans, no longer “adversaries and competitors”

@Servizio Fotografico - L'Osservatore Romano

The “renewal” brought about by the Protestant Reformation “gave rise to developments that led to divisions among Christians”: “Believers no longer felt they were brothers and sisters in faith, but rather adversaries and competitors; for too long, they bore hostility and engaged in struggles, fomented by interests of politics and power, at times even without scruple about using violence against each other, brothers against brothers”. The Pope offered this analysis today during the audience he granted to the German Lutherans. Today, instead, – Pope Francis continued – “let us give thanks to God because finally, laying aside every weight, as brothers and sisters we run with endurance the race that is set before us, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus”. “I am grateful to you – the Pope told those present – as, with this view, you have the intention of approaching together, with humility and freshness, a past that pains us, and of sharing soon an important gesture of penance and reconciliation: an ecumenical function, entitled ‘Healing memory: witnessing Jesus Christ’. Catholics and Evangelicals in Germany, you will thus be able to respond, in prayer to the strong call that together you hear in the country where the Reformation originated: to purify memory in God so as to be renewed from within and to be sent by the Spirit to bring Jesus to mankind today”.

“With this and other ecumenical initiatives planned for this year – such as the joint pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the joint biblical congress to present together the new translations of the Bible and the ecumenical day dedicated to the social responsibility of Christians -, you want to give “a concrete configuration of the ‘Feast of Christ’ which, on the occasion of the commemoration of the Reformation, you intend to celebrate together”, Pope Francis continued. “May the rediscovery of the common sources of faith, the healing of memory in prayer and in charity, and concrete collaboration in spreading the Gospel and serving brothers, all inspire you to proceed even more swiftly on your path”.

Papa Francesco  incontra la Delegazione Ecumenica della  Chiesa Evangelica Tedesca (Vaticano, 6 febbraio 2017)

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