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EU Parliament: Draghi (ECB) explains the economic and monetary scenarios. MEPs preparing the plenary session

(Brussels) Today, at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, the president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, will be illustrating the position of the ECB “on the near future of economic and monetary policy”. The discussion with the MEPs should also cover, according to the News Office of the institution, the ECB’s quantitative easing plan in the light of increasing inflation. This week, the political groups will get ready for the plenary session due in Strasbourg from 13th to 16th February. Items on the agenda include a vote on the ratification of the trade agreement between the EU and Canada (Ceta), new anti-terrorism measures, the strengthening of control at the outer borders of the EU, and the reform of the European Co2 emission market. In addition, in Strasbourg, the MEPs will discuss resolutions to consider the role of informers in the protection of European financial interests and to submit civil law rules on robotics. Austrian president Alexander Van der Bellen too will give a speech at the plenary session. The president of the Euro-Group, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, will talk with the MEPs about economic reforms in Greece. In the next few days, the parliamentary committees will deal with other issues that citizens are actually interested in: the domestic market committee, for instance, will vote on new rules for environmental and safety tests for new cars.

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