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Justitia et Pax: “Europe at the Crossroads” initiative launched in Ljubljana. Ten proposals for the EU’s future

(Brussels) “The political ‘muddling through’ which for a long time” has characterised the EU’s strategy “no longer suffices. If the European project is to be revived, there is the need for a clear vision of its outstanding merit combined with a European-wide public discourse about its identity and future as well as the values it stands for”. On this basis, the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions, which was held in Ljubljana a few days ago, has launched its initiative for 2017 called “Europe at the Crossroads”. Since “a lengthy process of revising the founding treaties will do nothing to reverse the current problems“, the European body issued “ten concrete proposals” to contribute to the debate about “a pragmatic way forward for the European Union”. The topics covered included: the common European asylum and migration system, a pillar for social rights, trade agreements and the impact of digitalisation, the future of the Eurozone, and European efforts to tackle climate change. In the course of this year, the individual Commissions will implement the action on these issues according to their specific context. “Politics is more than the pursuit of self-interest by strategic and tactical means”, reads the document promoting the initiative. “In a rapidly changing world, a dynamic re-interpretation of Europe’s role and responsibility is needed”, and “this is particularly important in a community of states that are strongly interlinked”.




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