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Together for Europe: Ecumenical and International Prayer Vigil at Basilica of “XII Apostoli” in Rome on 24 March

“Sixty years after the signing of the Treaties of Rome, the representatives of many European countries will gather again on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. On 25 March 1957, the Treaties to establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) were signed. Today Europe is going through stormy times. Which is why this historic anniversary calls for special attention”. On the eve of the anniversary, on 24 March 2017, there will be an International and Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for Europe at the Basilica of “XII Apostoli” in Rome organised by Together for Europe. “The network of more than 300 Christian Communities and Movements works together for a vision of Europe that is rooted in its Christian origins”. Promoters of Together for Europe chose as a motto for the event a quote from the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 16:9). In a vision, Paul saw a man from Macedonia who was imploring him: ‘Come and help us!’. Today it resounds as a call to Christians in their commitment and witness ‘in’ and ‘for’ Europe”. The Christian life becomes “a sign and a witness wherever it works for reconciliation through joint action, countering the prevailing anxiety of the future and fear of the ‘other’, widespread in Europe today”. The Vigil aims to be “a sign to encourage unity in diversity in Europe: a Europe that rediscovers its own objectives and identity in its encounter with the ‘other’”. Brussels and other European cities will hold local vigils parallel to the one in Rome.

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