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Pope Francis: at Migration and Peace Forum “right to not emigrate” should also be guaranteed

Vaticano, 21 febbraio 2017: Papa Francesco riceve in udienza il Forum Internazionale "Migrazioni e Pace" (foto L'Osservatore Romano)

“Protecting is not enough. What is required is the promotion of an integral human development of migrants, exiles and refugees”. This view was expressed clearly by Pope Francis in his address to the participants in the Forum on Migration and Peace. The Pontiff recalled that “development, according to the social doctrine of the Church, is an undeniable right of every human being”, and, as such, “it must be guaranteed by ensuring the necessary conditions for its exercise, both in the individual and social context, providing fair access to fundamental goods for all people and offering the possibility of choice and growth”. “Also here – Pope Francis’ appeal – a coordinated effort is needed, one which envisages all the parties involved: from the political community to civil society, from international organisations to religious institutions”. “The human promotion of migrants and their families – the Pontiff warned – begins with their communities of origin. That is where such promotion should be guaranteed, joined to the right of being able to emigrate, as well as the right to not be constrained to emigrate, namely the right to find in one’s own homeland the conditions necessary for living a dignified life”. “To this end – for Pope Francis -, efforts must be encouraged that lead to the implementation of programmes of international cooperation, free from partisan interests, and programmes of transnational development which involve migrants as active protagonists”.






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