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Portugal: sister Lúcia (one of Fatima little shepherds), diocesan canonisation process ended

The Carmelite Church of St Teresa of Coimbra filled up on the occasion of the solemn closing of the diocesan process for the beatification and canonisation of sister Maria Lúcia de Jesus, one of Fatima little shepherds, twelve years after her death on 13th February 2005. This stage of the process, during which her “reputation as a saint” had to be assessed by reviewing thousands of letters and writings by the little shepherdess, as well as hearing 61 witnesses about her heroic virtues, ended with the issuance of a 15,483-page document stored in 19 boxes, which will now be sent to the Holy Congregation for the Causes of the Saints by the Italian postulator, father Romano Gambalunga. As a host of the crowded ceremony, the bishop of Coimbra spoke of a “festive day” and an “epoch-marking day for the diocese”, praising the efforts made by all the people who helped open “a process that tried to achieve moral certainty about sister Lúcia’s holiness”. In the sermon at Mass, mgr. Virgílio Antunes actually pointed out that, “in calling her personal notes ‘My Walk’, this Servant of God showed her will to live all her life as Jesus’s disciple and to stay firm in the joy of the Gospel as a witness of the Lord’s mercies, along with Mary and the Church”.



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