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Card. Maradiaga: with C9, “we have made 18 reforms already. The results are there, but they cannot be seen because they make no noise”

“We have made 18 reforms already. Sometimes they ask us, ‘but what is this Council of cardinals doing? We see no results’. The results are there, instead, but they cannot be seen because they make no noise. In his speech at the Roman Curia last Christmas, Pope Francis listed them just to show we are moving on”. This was stated by cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, coordinator of the Council of 9 cardinals (C9) established by Pope Francis, in an interview published in Turin’s church weekly “La Voce e il Tempo”. Maradiaga tells how C9 came to life and the efforts made over the last few years to reform the Curia. “One the issues was the excessive number of ministries”, points out the cardinal, who says “some councils have been conflated into ministries, not to attach more importance to some but to streamline the red tape and work more smoothly. Not concentrating, but streamlining”. According to the coordinator of C9, “when the reforms are done”, the new constitution about the governance of the Church will be issued: “it will not be the start but the end of a process”, reassures Maradiaga, who says “the Council will go on, because it was not established only to reform the ‘Pastor bonus’, but to give advice when the Holy Father asks for it”. Maradiaga then points out that, “when Pope Francis speaks of an ‘outgoing Church’, he tells us that we must not stop in our curiae, in our vicarages, but go close to those who have gone astray or those we have never met, because nobody has ever spoken to them about God”. This is about spreading “that joy of the Gospel” that is exuded by the “Evangelii gaudium”, which “sums up Pope Francis’s South-American style: joy, cheerfulness”. And as to the forthcoming Synod for young people, the cardinal points out that “we must get ready really well, by listening even to those boys and girls who do not come to Church, those left out because of drugs, we must draw them to God”. “As Don Bosco did and as Pope Francis repeats us – he concludes –, by looking to a Church that walks with them, that embraces change, that goes out to get close to everyone”.

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