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EU Parliament: Trudeau (Canada Prime Minister) about Ceta. “In a global world, we must cooperate”

Strasburgo, 16 febbraio: il premier canadese Justin Trudeau interviene nell'emiciclo del Parlamento europeo (Foto SIR/PE)

(Strasbourg) Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves Strasbourg after regaling handfuls of optimism. First speaking to the MEPs at the EU Parliament, then to the international press, he did not hide nor underestimate people’s concerns for the implication of the trade agreement between his country and the EU. But above all he committed to reassuring citizens, consumers, businesses and environmentalists that “Ceta will deliver big, mutual advantages” and can be “taken as a standard for future trade agreements”, which are “needed” in a global world. According to Trudeau, his country and the EU-28 have very similar values and interests; “trade is not a zero-sum game – he then wanted to point out – but a cooperation that multiplies advantages”. On his side, the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, who voiced the same concepts: “Ceta is not an agreement that helps multinationals but benefits our fellow citizens, small and medium enterprises, and protects our typical products”. Trudeau: “Economic growth will create new jobs, in compliance with labour rights and environmental sustainability”. The press did ask a lot of questions about his relations with Trump’s United States: “The things I have come to say in Strasbourg are the same I said in Washington. We must cooperate in each other’s interest”. Trudeau confirms he is against any form of protectionism: “In a global work we must cooperate”.

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