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Pope Francis: audience, Europe “needs to preserve unity of faith, Christian culture and tradition”

Europe “needs to preserve the unity of faith, Christian culture and tradition”. Pope Francis made this appeal as he greeted the Polish-speaking pilgrims. “Yesterday, we celebrated the Patron Saints of Europe: Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop”, the Pope said. “These two brothers from Salonika brought the Gospel to the Slavs”. “Even today, they remind Europe and all of us of the need to preserve the unity of faith, Christian culture and tradition, and to live the Gospel every day”, Pope Francis said. The Pontiff recalled the feast of the “evangelisers of the Slavic people and co-patrons of Europe” also at the end of the audience as he greeted the faithful in Italian. “May their example help you all, dear young people, to become missionary disciples in all environments”, Pope Francis encouraged them. “May their determination encourage you, dear sick people, to offer up your suffering for the conversion of those who are distant; and may their love for the Lord enlighten you, dear newlyweds, to make the Gospel a fundamental rule in your family life”.

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