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EU Parliament: CETA vote. Weber (EPP), “response to Trump’s protectionism”. Le Pen (FN), “evil agreement”

CETA negotiations about the global EU and Canada trade agreement were launched in May 2009, and ended in September 2014. EU and Canada signed the agreement on 30 October 2016. “In 2015, the goods imported from Canada equalled 28.3 billion euros, while the goods exported from the EU to Canada equalled 35.2 billion euros; that figure is due to increase by over 20% once the agreement will come into force”, says a report by European Parliament’s experts. EPP’s leader Mandred Weber says CETA “is Europe’s and Canada’s response to Donald Trump’s politics. Instead of protectionism, we want collaboration”. The Social Democrats are divided on the matter. Their leader, Gianni Pittella, says that “Above all, a new vision of trade policy is necessary, taking care of the so-called globalisation leaders”. Marine Le Pen (French FN) says CETA “is an evil agreement for European peoples, and will destroy thousands of jobs in Europe”. Ska Keller (EU Greens) talks about “wild liberism to the detriment of European citizens”. “We have to appreciate CETA – he says – just because we like Canada and Canadians are nice people?”.



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