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European Parliament: EU “effective” and “close” to citizens, stronger Eurozone. Contribution to the future of our common home

(Strasbourg) Improving the EU’s ability to act, restoring citizens’ trust in the European project, and making the euro area economy more resilient to external shocks: these are the three goals of the three resolutions that will be discussed today at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and put to a vote on Thursday. They represent a further attempt to respond to the European crisis and populism. Furthermore, the documents also represent a contribution to the reflection ahead of the Summit in Rome on 25 March marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaties. According to a note by the European Parliament, “the first resolution, drafted by MEPs Mercedes Bresso and Elmar Brok, aims at building on the potential of the Lisbon Treaty, outlining the advantages of Community methods over intergovernmental methods”. The second resolution, drafted by Guy Verhofstadt, “demonstrates the Union’s inability to respond effectively and quickly to multiple crises”. The text explores the possibility to use instruments other than the tools currently provided, by starting a deep reform of the Lisbon Treaty”. The third resolution, drafted by Reimer Böge and Pervenche Berès, addresses the lack of convergence, political cooperation and ownership policies in the Eurozone.

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