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The Netherlands: Mr Verheij (Evangelical theologian), elections divide the country, but “fear incompatible with Christian faith”

“The elections are pulling the country apart as never before. That division even runs through the Churches”: this is the argument put forward by Dutch Alain Verheij, Evangelical theologian from the “twitter world”, who has just released a book entitled “Fear not” which brings together 12 Christian witnesses on the relationship between faith and politics. “It is a book full of faith, hope and love” for people not to give in to “fear, confusion and cynicism” in the face of the divisions that are splitting the country and the same Churches, the author explains in his blog. The Dutch electoral campaign in the run-up to the elections on 15 March is polarising the electors and Christians on opposing sides, as it happened in the US with the recent elections, Mr Verheij said in an interview with Geloven. The book wants to be instrumental in “improving the exchange of different views and electoral behaviours”. None of the voices “recommends a political party in particular”. It helps people to “talk to one another”, to get out of their “political bubbles”. The sentence of the title is “present 365 times in the Bible”, the author goes on to explain. “Weather you are afraid of Mr Wilders”, Flemish leader of the right-wing nationalist party, or of “the EU, Muslims, Russians, or god knows what, any fear is ultimately” “incompatible with the Christian faith”. Countering fear is “the greatest contribution of Christianity throughout the centuries”. However, to avoid the risk of falling into Irenicism, we also need to acknowledge, as prophets, the reasons behind fear, pointing to the fact that “hope is always a bit stronger”.

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