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US Embassy to Jerusalem: Jewish Voice for Peace, a choice that “jeopardises Palestinians’ and Israelis’ lives”

“Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem is supporting Israel’s annexation policies”: another one that is distancing itself from US President Donald Trump’s decision is “Jewish Voice for Peace”, a Jewish-inspired American association that works for justice and peace. “For 70 years, the United States have implicitly approved of Israel stealing Palestinian land, building illegal Jewish settlements and denying Palestinians their rights in East Jerusalem and elsewhere”, the executive director of the association, Rebecca Vilkomerson, stated. Trump’s decision is defined as “imprudent, irresponsible and jeopardising Palestinians’ and Israelis’ lives”, by taking “those policies” to the “next level”. “Jerusalem is a symbol of holiness and hope for many people of many religions across the world. We want a shared, peaceful Jerusalem”, the association goes on, in a release. “Moving the US Embassy there clashes with international consensus and promotes the agenda of those who try to put a fight for land, rights and sovereignty back into a religious conflict”.

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