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US Bishops: may the Government reconsider the decision to withdraw from the UN global compact for migration

(From New York) “The US Bishops Conference encourages the US Government to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the United Nations global compact for migration”. The president of the Commission for international justice and peace, archbishop Timothy Broglio, and the president of the committee for migration, bishop Joe S. Vásquez, expressed their and the bishops’ annoyance at the US Government’s decision to withdraw from the New York Declaration for Refugees, signed on September 19th 2016. “The Catholic social doctrine on migration recognises and respects the sovereignty of every nation, especially the right of every country to decide how to handle migration in its territory”, bishop Vásquez explained. “However, for a long time, the Church has taken position on the nations’ duty to protect human rights and the safety of the more vulnerable migrants, such as refugees, forced migrants, victims of human trafficking, women and children at risk. And this is a duty that belongs to global solidarity”. The bishops insist on considering the UN process “an opportunity for the United States to have their say in the compact and provide their experience to help international cooperation and protect the rights and safety of those people who are looking for it, for themselves and for their families, all over the world”.

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