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European Parliament: Brussels, a forum on disability and a new step in interreligious dialogue

(Brussels) A busy day tomorrow, Wednesday December 6th, for the European Parliament in Brussels. The most important events are in particular two. The first one is the “Parliament of persons with disabilities”: “organisations of persons with disabilities will come from all over Europe to meet – a notice reads – MEPs, commissioners and delegates of other EU institutions and discuss issues such as participation in political and public life”. The event will be opened by the president of the EU Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and by the president of the European Disability Forum, Yannis Vardakastanis. A new step in “interreligious dialogue” has been planned on the same day. “The role of the European Union in the world will be discussed with delegates of religious communities”. The discussion will be opened by president Antonio Tajani, deputy president Mairead McGuinness, and the first deputy president of the EU Commission, Frans Timmermans. “The event is part of regular dialogue between EU institutions, religious and non confessional organisations”.

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