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EU: Commissioner Hahn in Bosnia Herzegovina. A warn to the authorities, “no progress made in reforms”

Il commissario Ue Johannes Hahn

(Brussels) EU Neighbourhood Policy Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, is in Sarajevo today to “renew the EU’s commitment to supporting the country in its accession to the EU and to discuss the implementation of the requisite measures and reforms”, a notice from the EU Executive explains. He will meet the Prime Minister, Denis Zvizdić, the members of Presidency Dragan Cović and Bakir Izetbegović, and the Parties that signed the “Written Undertaking” in 2015 with a view to accession. The Commissioner expressed his deep concern “for no progress has been made in the requisite reforms” and warned Bosnia: “While the EU is more committed than ever to supporting Bosnia Herzegovina in its accession to the EU, the governing and opposition political leaders seem to be engrossed in the usual nationalistic issues and speak of a ‘crisis’ instead of focussing on the real task at hand”. There’s no chance to move on in integration, the Commissioner pointed out, unless “actual results are delivered in the reforms”, including “job creation, a stronger rule of law, a better and more efficient civil service” as well as “taking requisite nationwide strategies, for instance in farming, to benefit from the EU’s wide financial support”. “Divisive rhetoric” will not help the country move closer to the EU or the citizens be better, Hahn stated.

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