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Germany: German Catholics praying on December 26th for persecuted Christians in Nigeria


On December 26th, German Catholics will be celebrating a day of prayer for the persecuted and oppressed Christians of our time. The German Bishops Conference (Dbk) decided to commemorate their brothers and sisters in faith who are the victims of abuse and oppression all over the world, in the liturgies for the Day of St Stephen, the first martyr. As well as the joint intercessions, the devotees are called to dedicate their personal prayers to such cause. The main topic chosen by Dbk for 2017 will be a prayer for Christians in Nigeria, who are constantly exposed to attacks by Islamist terrorists. The secretariat of Dbk is handing out information and awareness-raising materials for the day of prayer, which are mainly to be exposed in the parishes. Devotional songs and prayers about the subject are available as well. The Day of Prayer of December 26th was first launched in 2003, and every year it enables German Catholics to learn more about the needs and requirements for help and solidarity of Christians in some areas around the globe, not least by incessantly listening to bishops and missionaries: it is in this spirit that on November 29th mgr. Matthew Hassan Kukah, bishops of the diocese of Sokoto, in Nigeria, along with the president of the World Church Commission of the German Bishops Conference, the archbishop of Bamberg, mgr. Ludwig Schick, presented an information file about the current situation of Nigerian Christians.




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