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Tax Reform: US bishops, “Trump should take consequences into account, sorting things out”


(New York) “We ask the President of the United States to take into consideration the consequences of the provisions in the tax reform, taking measures before signing it”. President of the Commission for Justice and Human Development of the US Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Frank J. Dewane asked Trump to pay attention to the bill launched by the Congress, actually “increasing tax for low incomes and reducing them for high incomes”, not taking the poor into account. Though taking into consideration the efforts relating to a double deduction standard for families in difficulties, strengthening of educational plans, and tax credit for minors, the bishops point out that “the law includes a series of provisions causing dramatic consequences, in particular, for the people mostly in need”. Monsignor Dewane mentions also the report of the Joint Committee for taxes, according to which “the conditions of large families in the medium class are problematic”, focussing on deficit spending, whose consequence may be cuts in healthcare for the poor. The reform will also have consequences for the donations, which may reach 13 billion dollars for NPOs, but at the same time reduce a lot the ones meant for charity works, since they would not be deductible from taxes; in this way, they would affect the role of civil society with respect to common good. The Bishop asked the President and the Congress to go back working together, taking action before the law is enforceable. Trump intends to sign the law exactly on Thursday.


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